Starting to Unwind

>> Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today, a friend called with a powerpoint problem and I had time not only to help her fix it - but also to walk over to her place (3 miles, YAY me!) and go set up her printer and sit on her back deck and just chat for ages...

and tomorrow we're going shopping.

I don't much care for shopping on the whole - but since my accident back in November, almost all of my shopping trips have been with hubby ...Mr. Do You Really Need That? I'm looking forward to going out without 'im for a change :)

I've been doing the school thing for soooo long without a real break - it's taken me some time to unwind...slow down....breathe....

I could get used to this.

Not TOO used to it though - still got 3 weeks of summer school and a conference to go to ...and a major research paper to write. And will start again full time in the fall of course.

But for now, I have some down time. And Scrooge, my mutt, and I are enjoying it.

It will soon be time to get the boat in the water - I wonder how many calories rowing burns off? Will have to find out!


  • Anonymous

    It must be nice to have a break after a frantic period. It takes a while to get into the relaxation thing doesn't it. I don't like too much down time though do you? I have had a quiet week and am missing the 'good' stress already.

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