Yes you need it! You know you do and once things start getting more settled you will realize it too. Quite stressing it and think how marvelous you are going to feel. And how much money you can earn.
Before you spray foam insulation
It seems like spray foam insulation is increasingly popular. Apparently, it
does a great job. Of insulating. Unfortunately, it also can cause some
issues! ...
Bud the dog
Bud the Dog do comed to we house!
To played with we!!
We do played inside!!
An' outside too!!
Bud the Dog is quite a little bit bigger than we ...
A few recommendations...
This is an article by Kathy W. that I really liked on well
worth reading, and following some of the links, even.... Dad's Brain, which
Yes you need it! You know you do and once things start getting more settled you will realize it too.
Quite stressing it and think how marvelous you are going to feel. And how much money you can earn.
but I can't DO it *whine whine whine*
I am NEVER going to come up with a list that all three people on my committee will approve.
I am so tired of looking at it!
I would LOVE to have a PhD. Wow. But I know it takes a lot of work.
Maybe an honorary one someday? Well, this probably won't happen for me, but I can dream, right?
I'll bet you will really like having a PhD. It just sounds so cool.
It sounds like you have to have a list. I wish I could help you with that! Let us know how it goes...