Back to School clothes

>> Saturday, September 5, 2009

Normally, it wouldn't much matter that I have nothing new to wear to start back to school next week.

But this time round I've lost 6o+ lbs since classes ended in April - and most of my clothes just don't fit well at all.

I do have some smaller size pants - but most of my tops are WAY big and baggy and at this point, just look downright sloppy. I did try to go back to school shopping yesterday, but I guess I'm spoiled now. I gave up shopping at Walartm some time ago ... started buying better quality clothes that last rather than the disposable sort that Walmart sells.

Since I'm still losing, I didn't want to spend money on clothes that would only fit for a short time, so I tried Walmart but OMG the colours and styles this year are HORRID. Couldn't find anything I wanted.... so ... it's off to school in whatever I manage to pull from my very limited stock here. Should have packed better - have been sick this week, plus working my arse off - and the clothes I packed just a few days ago are quickly becoming of the "droopy drawers" variety now.... oh well... having an open house with lots of goodies tomorrow (assuming I get to the grocery store first thing) .... maybe that will fix it.


  • Stephanie Barr

    Oh, yeah, I buy most of my clothes at Walmart (several years ago though) and I've found them comfortable (which is what I'm usually shooting for.

    I can understand wanting better or more fashionable clothing, especially if you've made superlative changes in your appearance. Though, being ill isn't the path I'd chosen to break a plateau.

    Get healthier and keep looking. Hopefully you can eek your wardrobe along a bit further until you reach your weight goal.

  • Laura

    Do you have any thrift stores or secondhand shops? Especially if you're in the smaller sizes, those are good places to get inexpensive clothing while changing sizes.

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